How my journey began….

Hey there! I'm Craig. Ever felt like you just don't "fit" in certain social situations? Believe me, I've been there. In fact, I call myself a 'recovering social misfit'. Today, I'm on a mission to help people just like me: those who sometimes find the world of social interactions a tad bewildering.

Navigating social situations wasn't always my strong suit. There were times I felt like a fish out of water, trying to grasp the unwritten rules of conversations, parties, or even simple meetups. I've been the guy struggling to read social cues, and often just wishing for an instruction manual for 'how to human'.

 But here’s the thing: every stumble, every awkward moment, and every misread cue became my roadmap to better understand the complexities of human interaction. I decided to turn my social missteps into steppingstones. Immersing myself in workshops, consuming every resource on human behavior, and learning through real-life experiences became my path to recovery and growth.

 And then, the digital age arrived, adding another layer of complexity. Texts, emails, online chats - each brought its own set of challenges. But by then, I was on a mission: to merge age-old wisdom of human connection with today's digital nuances.

 **Why Connect with Me? **

 - **Genuine Understanding: ** Being a recovering social misfit gives me firsthand insights into those all-too-common feelings of social uncertainty.

 - **Journey of Transformation: ** My transition from social misfit to confident communicator embodies the power of perseverance and continuous learning.

- **Blending Old and New: ** I’m dedicated to intertwining traditional social wisdom with the challenges of the digital age.


**A Few Tidbits About Me: **


1. The book that shifted my worldview on social dynamics is “Captivate”, by Vanessa Van Edwards.

2. I'm a firm believer that we all win when we have great interactions.

3. When I'm not diving deep into the world of human connection, you may find me playing golf badly, but with great enthusiasm – my personal form of meditation.


If you've ever felt out of place, or simply want to enhance your social prowess, I'm here for you. Let's journey together towards a world of confident connection.